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How To Increase Hearing Power: Is Healthy Hair The Secret To Crystal Clear Hearing?

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If you suffer from hearing loss, you will be "blown away" how you can completely and permanently restore your hearing in as little as two weeks from today.

Even if your hearing loss is a result of loud noises ... or if it's from aging...

This "life changing breakthrough"can eliminate the need for annoying hearing aids or expensive cochlear implant surgery. Amazingly, it only requires a few simple ingredients that cost very little that you can put together right now...

A little more than a decade ago, Dr. Edwin Rubel, professor of otolaryngology, physiology and biophysics at the University of Washington's Virginia Merrill Bloedel Hearing Research Center, along with the help of his team, made a huge discovery.

They found that hair cells do actually regenerated on their own in the ears of birds.

This led to years of intense research on hair cells with a wide array of organisms.

During this research, scientists found that hair cells naturally regenerate in just about all vertebrate animals, except for mammals, such as humans.

Rubel and his team, as well as other scientist all around the world, are trying to transfer what they have learned about hair cells and how the cells regenerate, in an effort to duplicate a similar process in humans.

They have made great strides in hair cell research... and it is quite possible that they will figure out how to re-grow hair cells in humans and cure most forms of hearing loss in the next 20 years.

But that doesn't help you today...

And that doesn't explain the many experiments that were able to produce astonishing results and reverse hearing loss. Many of which were double-blind, placebo-controlled studies that were conducted over long periods of time.

However, there is a scientific theory as to why certain chemical compounds and minerals that are in specific natural ingredients, can in fact improve hearing.

This theory is that instead of re-generating the hair cells, certain natural components can heal and strengthen the hair cells you still have.

In most cases of hearing loss, there is still ample hair cells existing to provide crisp and clear hearing... But the hair cells are usually weak and limp as compared to someone with good hearing and healthy hair cells.

To me, this made perfect sense.

It explained why the various experiments on these natural compounds have yielded incredible results... it also explained why the Medicine Man Hearing Remedy worked so well on my grandfather many years ago.

It's not about re-growing or re-generating new hair cells in the cochlea of your inner ear... it's about repairing and strengthening your hair cells that you already have.

This was exactly the information and conclusion I was looking for. Now I was pretty certain about the "how" and the "why" the remedy would work... But something was still missing...

In the back of my mind I kept thinking, "Why hasn't anyone connected these dots?... Why hasn't this information become main stream? Why doesn't everyone know about this already?

Yeah, I'm a smart guy... but there are a lot of smart people in this field who spend all of their time researching this. I know I'm not the only one who has put these pieces of the puzzle together...

So I started asking questions... I had met a few researches and scientists while I was conducting my research... So I reached out to them and shared with them my findings... They were not surprised in the least... They admitted that they had the same conclusions... So I simply asked them, "why hasn't this been all over the news?... why isn't this common knowledge?"

The answer that I repeatedly got, made me sick to my stomach!

Brace yourself because if you or someone you love is suffering with hearing loss or deafness, you are going to be FURIOUS!


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