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How To Get Better Eyesight Without Glasses: Eat These Foods With L. And Z. And You Will Recover !

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There were trials upon trials, including The Age Related Eye Disease Study, or AREDS, the gold standard study into vision loss carried out by the National Eye Institute, which proved beyond any doubt that lutein and zeaxanthin are absolutely ESSENTIAL to vision.

In fact, they’re the two most important nutrients to eat because they’re EXACTLY what our eyes need to ward off vision problems like macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, and even near and far-sightedness.

The AREDS study found that people diagnozed with early AMD who ate these two nutrients were 25-30% less likely to go on to develop advanced AMD, while they also reduced their risk of developing central vision loss by 19%.

Another study of the elderly Finish population published in the British Journal of Nutrition reported that “high plasma concentrations of lutein and zeaxanthin reduced the risk of age-related cataracts by a massive 41%.”

And that’s great news, considering age-related cataracts are one of the leading causes of visual impairment in the United States, with the number of Americans likely to be effected set to increase to an estimated 30 million by 2020. ...

So how do these nutrients work?

Well, this is where things get really interesting…

Breakthrough studies into vision loss, including those carried out at the University of Kentucky, and the University of Florida, have finally uncovered the real cause of vision loss – and it’s not what you think.

Apparently, from the day you are born, the retina and macula in your eyes are under constant attack from harmful blue and ultraviolet light. This creates something called “Oxidative Stress”, which then generates harmful “free radicals” – which are basically the bad guys that destroy the DNA in your cells.

But here’s the thing…

Within the macula is the macular pigment, whose job is to filter out, or kill off, these free radicals – preventing any damage to the macula itself, the retina, lens, cornea and optic nerve.

And the macular pigment is made up primarily of two crucial antioxidants.

And guess what they are…

Yep, you got it…

Lutein and Zeaxanthin!

Instead of treating the symptoms of your vision loss, like the optometry industry have been doing for centuries, this unique and ground-breaking protocol treats the root cause – free radical damage, by feeding your eyes the eight crucial antioxidants they need to destroy those free radicals and help you achieve crystal clear perfection in a matter of days.

This completely natural protocol has already transformed the eyesight, and lives, of 51,297 people, and will achieve the same spectacular results for you too.

Ok, so what exactly are you going to get  in The Outback Vision Protocol?

Well first of all, I’m going to send you The Outback Vision Protocol Fast-Start Guide, where you will find  everything you need to know to achieve and maintain 20/20 vision for the rest of your life, including…

 The truth about free radicals – the real cause of vision loss…
 The ancient Aboriginal foods that inspired my research – and the secret behind their extraordinary ‘Super Sight’…
 The common ‘toxic’ foods to avoid if you want to stop ‘feeding’ the free radicals that are eating away at your eyes and destroying your vision…
 Why corrective lenses like glasses and contacts are nothing but a crutch, and will not only fail to improve your vision, but will actually make it WORSE…
 Plus, all of the simple, natural and inexpensive foods proven to flush free radicals from your retina and macula, improve your vision, and even help you achieve 20/20 clarity in as little as 21 days..


  1. Je ne sais pas si mon cas vous intéresserait. Voici les coordonnées du Dr Itua, drituaherbalcenter @ Ou mobile +2348149277967 Il parle également de Whatsapp.
    J'ai été soigné pour le génotype 2 de l'hépatite C à partir du 14 janvier 2017. J'ai été traité avec le Dr Itua Herbal Medicine qu'il m'a préparé et envoyé via le service Courrier EMS et je l'ai reçu au bureau de poste de l'Ohio. Je bois dans les deux semaines suivant les instructions moi dans et j'ai été guéri.Juste dans deux semaines, n'est-ce pas joyeux.oui je suis heureux et mon cœur se remplit de joie.
    Je suis exposé à un risque élevé de rechute du lymphome en raison de l'exposition constante au virus de l'hépatite C.
    Pour que je puisse avoir le maximum de chances de guérir de mon lymphome non hodgkinien, l'hépatite C doit être traitée rapidement, sinon ma vie sera en danger. Le Dr Itua a redonné du sens à ma vie. Et à mon ami Nicky, qui m'a dirigé vers le centre de traitement pour dr Itua, je vous en ai rendu mon cher ami. Le docteur Itua m'a assuré qu'il pouvait aussi guérir de la maladie suivante: VIH, COPD, diabète, herpès. VIRUS, HÉPATITE,


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